Séminaire IBIP – école MISTRAL
Les séminaires ont lieu sur le Campus Montpellier SupAgro/INRA de La Gaillarde (2, place P. Viala Montpellier)

Mardi 1er juillet 2014
Amphi 2 (Bât 2 Bis) à 11h15

Drought-induced abscisic acid signaling specificity and atmospheric CO2 sensing in plants

Julian Schroeder
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, USA

Julian Schroeder’s research is directed at elucidating signal transduction mechanisms and pathways that initiate and mediate resistance to environmental abiotic stresses in plants linked to water. Water-linked stresses have substantial negative impacts and reduce plant growth. The presented research is elucidating the mechanisms mediating gas exchange regulation in plants by stomatal pores through which plants lose over 90% of their water via transpiration. This seminar will focus on characterization of new mechanisms mediating abscisic acid signaling and stomatal closing in plants in response to drought and stomatal signaling in response to elevated atmospheric CO2. Newly identified stomatal guard cell signal transduction mechanisms mediated by drought, the hormone abscisic acid and the continuing rise in atmospheric CO2 will be described. This presented research adds to the model for how different classes of plant ion channels function within the guard cell signal transduction network. In addition, identification of mechanisms through which elevated CO2 down-regulates the stomatal development machinery will be presented.

Contact : Christophe Maurel

Contacts IBIP :
Sabine Zimmermann
Alexandre Martinière
Christine Granier
Chantal Baracco