The seminars take place on the Montpellier Institut Agro/INRA Campus of La Gaillarde (2, place P. Viala Montpellier)

Thursday july 7, 2022 at 4pm – Amphi 2 (Bât 2bis)


Michael Wudick

(University of Düsseldorf, Germany)


Design and in planta application of genetically encoded biosensors

Genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors are powerful tools to study the spatio-temporal dynamics of a given analyte (e.g., ion, hormone, sugar) or cellular processes (e.g., transcriptional activity, protein turnover), while preferably being minimally invasive.

This lecture will give an overview about the different sensor types, exemplify how to interpret and analyze the obtained data, and provide examples for their application in plants. The talk will further layout the engineering process of generating a fluorescent sensor from scratch, including important controls.

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