E-Taxonomy of the Phytoseiidae mite familly


Tixier Marie-Stéphane, Kreiter Serge, Martial Douin

Montpellier SupAgro - UMR CBGP - France

How to cite : Tixier M.S., Kreiter S., Douin M. 2012. E-Taxonomy of Phytoseiidae mite family. http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/phytoseiidae/index.html

Each page can also be cited separately.

This site is entirely dedicated to Phytoseiidae Taxonomy and identification. It proposes a brief presentation of the family, polytomous identification keys to species of three genera, an identification key to the species of European vineyards and the type specimens deposited in our collection at Montpellier SupAgro, CBGP Montpellier. The keys have been in part developped thanks to the work of F. Akashi-Hernandes (post-dcotoral position), M. Kanouh (PhD) and A. Baldassar (Master student). We greatly expect the contribution of the world Phytoseiidae taxonomists to improve this site.

Presentation of the family Phytoseiidae

Phytoseiidae e-identification keys

List of type species deposited in the SupAgro collection in UMR CBGP


Web Master: Marie-Stéphane Tixier, Montpellier SupAgro, UMR CBGP, Montpellier. tixier@supagro.inra.fr