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Internal morphology of the hypopus of Lardoglyphus konoi, a tyroglyphid pest on dried stored fish

Vijayambika, V. and John, P.A.

1973 - Volume: 15 Issue: 2 pages: 342-348


Acari Lardoglyphus konoi development hypopus digestive system morphology reproductive system


The interna! morphology and histology of the hypopial stage of Lardoglyphus konoi is described from paraffin sections eut at 6 microns and viewed under immersion lens. The cuticle is considerably thicker and provided with pore canals. The parenchyma is different in appearance and compositions from those of the adult and developmental stages. Sorne well formed muscles are present. Oral opening and pharynx are not present, lumen of oesophagus is occluded. The other parts of the alimentary tract present in the adult and developmental stages are recognisable in hypopus also. Only on type of epithelial cells, is present in any region and the cytoplasm within the cells appears degenerative. The supra oesophageal ganglion shows signs of decentralisation. In other regions of the nervous system it resembles that of the nymph. The gonadal tissue is paired, but rudimentary and insufficiently developed to determine sex. Anatomical differences between hypopus and adult, and hypopus and other developmental stages of the species are pointed out. Anatomical differences between the hypopi of other species are also pointed out.

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1973 Vijayambika, V. and John, P.A.
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