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Bovine babesiosis in Nigeria: the vectorial capability of Boophilus decoloratus and Boophilus geigyi for Babesia bigemina and Babesia bovis

Akinboade, O.A. and Dipeolu, O.O.

1985 - Volume: 26 Issue: 3 pages: 235-237


experimental transmission Babesia bigemina B. Bovis Boophilus decoloratus B. Geigyi calf Nigeria


Boophilus decoloratus and B. geigyi which fed on a calf infected with mixed Babesia bigemina and B. bovis transmitted the parasites to clean calves. Parasitaemia occurred faster in the calf which became infected through B. decoloratus. There were also more parasites of B. bigemina than of B. bovis in the smears from the blood of the infected calves.

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1985 Akinboade, O.A. and Dipeolu, O.O.
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