Pyrène Larrey-Lassalle (2009-2017)

Pyrène Larrey-Lassalle is engineer in environmental processes, particularly eco-processes, from the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) of Toulouse. After working in a private consulting agency in eco-design and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), she joined the ELSA team in October 2009. At that time she is in charge of managing and carrying out two industrial and institutional research projects in LCA: ANR COPOTERM (Innovative process for metal recovery in industrial wastewater) and ANR DEMETHER (Valorization of agricultural by-products for the production of a new insulation material). She is also involved in training for professionals and students, and conducts LCA studies and critical reviews (expertise) for private firms and/or consulting companies.

From March 2014, she begins a thesis (funded by the Industrial Research Chair ELSA-PACT) about the “Harmonization of environmental assessment methods: Convergence of “product-oriented” (LCA) and “site-oriented” approaches used in impact assessment studies – Application to examples in water management”.

Topics:  Environmental Assessment, Life cycle assessment, Site-oriented approach, Agro-bio-processes, Water management

Cyril Arnoult (2011 – 2013)

Cyril Arnoult is an agronomist (Master’s degree, 2003) from Montpellier SupAgro. From 2003 to 2009, he took part in launchingEnvilys, , an innovative company dedicated to expertise and developing assessment tools in agri-environment (specialised in water quality management and pollutions diffuses). In 2009, he got a background in LCA, as the company started a new activity in this area with ELSA as a partner. In 2010 and 2011, he works and helps the beginings of Dhomino, a green building start up.
Then he started half time work at Elsa in 2011, for the Ecotech-Sudoe project, and particularly the demonstration of improving energy efficiency of a research team activity through its building improvement and good practices.

Topics : LCA, data base, sustainable building, education, demonstration