Article describing the MAPI method:

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MAPI is available as a R package from the CRAN repository:

Since 2021-12-06, MAPI package is also available from the conda forge. [download badge]
It can be installed in (Ana)conda environements using following command:

conda install -c conda-forge r-mapi

New release 1.1.0 allow computations on the sphere. Some worldwide grids (levels 1 to 11) have been precomputed using dggridR and can be found here. Once downloaded, read a grid geopackage using st_read from sf package such as:

grid <- sf::st_read("grid06.gpkg")

You may also download the latest package from the links below:

The original PostgreSQL/Postgis version is still available:

Simulations processed by MAPI:

Want to discover MAPI usefulness? Enjoy our showroom (in progress):

Background: Partial view of a MAPI result (WMV virus sequences dataset), post-transformed in KML file and projected in GoogleEarth.