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Biology of Acaropsis docta (Berlese), with notes on bionomics and behaviour of developmental stages

Kapil, R.P. and Bhanot, J.P.

1972 - Volume: 14 Issue: 4 pages: 595-604


Acari Acaropsis docta egg laying parental care developmental stages population sex ratio repdroductive behaviour


A female Acaropsis docta lays an average of 97.0 eggs in 8 days. The female usually deposits more than 50 % of eggs in first 4 days of oviposition and caver them with a web. An individual female knits an average webbed area of 1I.4 ± 2.0 mm to caver an average of 86.2 ± 9.12 eggs. There is a close relationship behveen the number of eggs deposited with a webbed area. The linear regression shows that for an increase in the number of each egg laid, the webbed area increases by 0.17 sq mm. Various stages of the mite have been described. The developmental period of various stages is as follows: egg stage: 3·5 days; larval stage: 2.4 days; protonymphal stage: 4.2 days and deutonymphal stage: 4·3 days. Between the larval to adult stages, there are three resting stages (larva-protonymph = 14.9 h; protonymph-deutonymph: 20.4 h; deutonymph- adult: 2r.7 h), corresponding to 3 moults passed by the mite. A. docta completes its development in 14.4 days at a combination of temperature 35° ± 1°C and R. H. 55 ± 5 %· The sex ratio between male and female mites is 1: r.9. The male survives longer (12.9 days) than the female mite (9.8 days).

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1972 Kapil, R.P. and Bhanot, J.P.
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